Skip wrap memory

EZ-BIST tool usage, BFL flow, BII flow, memory grouping
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Joined: 08 Dec 2020, 15:53

Skip wrap memory

Post by iSTART »

In some applications, designer will wrap several memories. And this wrap will be treated as a bigger memory. In BFL flow, for avoiding identifying the wrap as memory, designer can use parameter “skip_wrap_mem” to ignore this wrap module. And these wrap module will not list in the generated *.meminfo file.
If it has several wrap modules need to be ignore, Designer can also use vertical bar ”|” to separate these skip_wrap_mem modules.

For example:
A) “set skip_wrap_mem = xxx_wrap”
In this setting, the name of modules involves “xxx_wrap” will be ignored.
B) “set skip_wrap_mem = _wrap”
In this setting, the name of modules involves “_wrap” will be ignored.

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