EZ-BIST Installation

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EZ-BIST Installation

Post by iSTART »

[EZ-BIST File Package]
In EZ-BIST released tool package, it includes:
  • Demo case
  • DOC
  • LM-CentOS-x.x-x86_64-xxxx.bz2
  • EZ-BIST-CentOS-x.x-x86_64-develop-xxxx.tar.gz

Demo case folder contains an example case, EZ-BIST_Demo.tar.gz. User can be familiar with iSTART tool through operating this demo case.

DOC folder contains all EZ-BIST related documents.
LM-CentOS-x.x-x86_64-xxxx.bz2 is a tarball file. It contains iSTART tool license system. Before manipulating EZ-BIST tool, user have to set up this license. After setup VERIFIC_LICENSE_FILE and iSTART_LIC_FILE environment variable and invoke license file, user can launch EZ-BIST tool successfully.

EZ-BIST-CentOS-x.x-x86_64-develop-xxxx.tar.gz is a tarball file. It contains iSTART tool. User can extract this tarball to working server and setup alias.

[Extract EZ-BIST tarballs]
1. EZ-BIST License Manager
User can create a folder in license server and using following command to extract license manager to this folder

$ tar jxf LM-CentOS-x.x-x86_64-xxxx.bz2
2. EZ-BIST tool
Users can create a working folder on workstation and using following command to extract EZ-BIST tool package

$ tar -xvzf EZ-BIST-CentOS-x.x-x86_64-develop-xxxx.tar.gz

[Invoke EZ-BIST License manager]
In License Manager folder, execute following command to invoke license
$ ./lmInvoke -f iSTART_lic_2020xxxxx.dat

[Setup License Environment]
Set up the environment with iSTART_LIC_FILE and VERIFIC_LICENSE_FILE
Bash Shell:
$ export VERIFIC_LICENSE_FILE= [$PATH]/Verific.dat
$ export iSTART_LIC_FILE=4141@hostname
$ export VERIFIC_LICENSE_FILE= Verific.dat
$ export iSTART_LIC_FILE=4141@IP

C Shell (Tcsh):
$ setenv VERIFIC_LICENSE_FILE Verific.dat
$ setenv iSTART_LIC_FILE 4141@hostname
$ setenv VERIFIC_LICENSE_FILE Verific.dat
$ setenv iSTART_LIC_FILE 4141@IP

[Setup EZ-BIST Alias]
Bash Shell:
$ alias ezbist=/usr/home/tools/EZ-BIST-CentOS-6.5-x86_64-xxxxx/bin/ezBist
C Shell (Tcsh):
$ alias ezbist /usr/home/tools/EZ-BIST-CentOS-6.5-x86_64-xxxxx/bin/ezBist

And now, EZ-BIST working environment setup ready, user can start your EZ-BIST journey.
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